Answer me 1997 - Subs Please!

Nostalgic. This is what the show offers.  After seeing 2 episodes (well because its the only episodes with subs, if not I will not be writing, thus my withdrawal from this drama).  After I watched CNBLUE's MTV Unplugged, I put in the Blue Storm DVD.  I stopped watching to let my roommate use the TV, which is by the way you TV screwed the first part of video, so I ended up replaying the beginning of the show. Going back, I've been reading some praises for this drama left and right. I was so cautious not to start with it till I see enough English subbed episodes, but I gave it a try.  Why? to refrain from watching Gaksital raw!  Even if I posted on Facebook, "I want it RAW", I stopped myself to fully enjoy Gaksital. This addiction is getting worse. Let me google for a drama patch.

I once said to my 6th grade classmate, that my grade school days are the things which I would like to bury, thus reminiscing those days were not good.  Its funny how she views me differently from the way I see myself back then. It haunted my highschool a bit and even through college. The bite of bitterness still surfaces, though already moved on. This show reminds me of those years, though it may not be as colorful as what this show showcases. The thinking of being wise and sure back then, is now just being naive.  Your true love is just a big crush now. Whoa! Saying those is like saying "I'm grown up now!" and "matured", or NOT! hehe!

To our English Subs Fairies (they should be called "fairies" seriously), I beg you to sub all episodes!


  1. hello!
    can you tell me where do you watch this drma, I can't find it with subtitles /:
    thank you!

  2. go to or :) but only till ep 4 is subbed
