Cryfest with Gu Family Book Episode 21

What do you do to fight your tears from flowing when you are watching something that you will definitely cry? Well for me, I like to multitask, sometimes I paint my nails or grab my phone and check Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and what have you. Last night while watching episode 21 of Gu, I was playing Pumpkins vs Zombies and I just glance here and there (my friend is wondering how can I watch a show, read the subtitles and do something else) but my goodness! My chest suddenly felt heavy and tears fell.

Its a good ending to their love story. Good in a sense of how it was written, it is so fitting. Fitting to let you grab the sleeves of your shirt, if your tissue is far from reach. Its the voice over of Wol-ryung that hit me, “I didn't hate you. I only missed you. I didn't resent you. I only loved you with all my heart. I love you. I love you.” waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! 

I love how they put the acoustic version of Best Wishes to You (잘 있나요) as the background music of that scene, and its Wol-ryung (Choi Jin Hyuk) actually singing which made it more heartfelt! 

I love how Seo-hwa admitted that she was young that time and that her heart was not that big to cater for his love. I love the lines of Wol-ryung that sorta say his action tends to look like hatred and resentment towards her but truly, it just that he misses her so much and loves her so much. waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh. How many times we see a negative but in reality it is meant for our good. 

Choi Jin Hyuk, I've loved you in I Need Romance, and I love you more in Gu Family Book! Last 2 episodes next week!

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