
image from dramabeans.com
Well, hello meh blog! Its really difficult to have one a blog that is, even if you don't have any followers. Its like a pet or plant that needs to be nourished. I blame wordpress for not being able to continue to blog, my blog life was ruined by simply posting links in which I didn't know is a crime in the blogosphere.

Yeah, still some bitterness there.

So, I've been busy with SHINee, I officially own a SHINee album! Its my first non-CNBLUE album. I thought that my Kpop expenditures will be just CNBLUE and its not anymore. I have the following to buy in Korea (its cheaper there right?):

  • SHINee's first album
  • 2PM Hands Up and probably a concert DVD
  • SNSD album
  • DBSK's Mirotic
  • and other CNBLUE albums
Its roughly 5 months from now, I'll be there in April and hope that cherry blossoms will not disappoint me and a wish for Odie, my trip partner that we'll get to experience Kpop or a CNBLUE concert.

I've been busy putting up an online shop which I don't know why nobody told me that its not a walk in a park. Hehe. I've been into purchasing things online and realized that since I like to do it and sometimes people asked me to buy for them, I thought of making a little profit myself. Together with a partner, we decided to simply invest 100 USD each. What we want is to simply have what we like for ourselves to be free and get our capital. I will (I hope) will post my online shopping woes and hopes to enlighten someone out there.


Oh I almost forgot, why the image there. I am currently watching Nice Guy or Innocent Guy or more literally,  There is no such thing as good guy in the world... hehe well something like that. I like to call it "Nice Guy" for a) Song Joong Ki is NICE! and b) Song Joong Ki is NICE! Well actually, the drama is nice rather good. Such melodrama mechanisms of Kdramas are all there, and if you've been with Kdrama for a long time, your eyes will roll over a synopsis of "amnesia" and the whole chaebol shenanigans. I hated it in Roof Top Prince that I didn't even bother to finish it. Even last year hit sageuk drama, Moon/Sun was not spared of the "amnesia" thingy and I think that is here to stay as far as Kdrama is concerned. The drama, a melodrama for that matter will not be so heart wrenching if there is no amnesia. However, in Nice Guy, I kinda root for it as what they say in dramabeans, it played a nice touch, and was inserted well. My heart swell in sorrow on Eun-gi's and Ma-ru's life. Now the writer is known for a tragic ending, which up to this point I like to brush off the idea that Kang Ma Ru might end up dead. And I will end up crying. The scene where in he vomited, I just thought of it as he finds what he did revolting and it is revolting enough to puke. Its nice that one case that he dealt with when he was on med school was the same thing that he got right now.

I even wrote on the CD where I burned the episodes that I am watching "CRY". I don't know why I want to cry nowadays. Even Ohlala Couple makes me cry. Another drama that I am seeing. Great actors and great way to understand married life. I was taken aback with the idea that Yeok is pregnant and with that her husband started to feel different now. In which, again the unborn baby uniting them, like the first time, he marries her because she is pregnant and now they will work things out because of the baby, in which for me is wrong (hello doing it for the second time, being together for the wrong reasons) 

Have to remind myself that I am just watching a drama, and just have myself entertain.

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