For a while I stayed away from kdramaland, although updated of whats going to end and what are new dramas to come. After the almost 10-star drama, The King 2 Hearts (I ripped off a full point because of killing Shi Kyung, still I can't move on), I went on kdrama fasting for something more valuable. And now going back to my kdrama life, I chose Queen In Hyun's Man or QIHM.
Jumping into the bandwagon of fusion dramas, one would say about what QIHM did. I honestly did not get to see the last two episodes of RTP, for I am finding the male villain so lame and doubted how they will show the resolution to all the conflicts, plus the whole company CEO-ship thingy is really overused but Sena is so convincing that you'll say that she will go straight to hell, that's how bitchy her character was and her portrayal for that matter.
After hearing another fusion drama, I started to roll my eyes because I really hate those things that jumps into the trend and not invent their own. Dramabeans, you are such a great influence on my drama choices these days, and I thank you. I thank you for saving me a lot of time with your recaps.
I just finished episode 6, which it could have been 10 already if I did not go to City Center and shop. I told you about DSS right? hehe. And man, this drama is so good. I never thought that I'll like Hee-jin for I've seen her as an antagonist in Best Love, and this tall guy (I like tall guys) Boong-do, I didn't imagine that I will begin to love you, really. I didn't even expect that the chemistry of these two will be enough to fan myself. Its very different how they fell in love, no zigzag, no push and pull, not complicated and that you'll have to wait till episode 7 to see a kiss.
Haayyy, I'm in love!
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photo credits:'s_Man
yay... yes this one is nice... maligayang pagbabalik girl. :-)