Gaksital Episode 6 - Fought hard not to cry, FAILED!

I knew that Episode 6 will have loads of drama in it.  That my heart will be torn into pieces and will be so painful.  I brought a snack with me to divert my attention.  It didn't work.  I noticed that I stopped munching and find it difficult to swallow, and the next were tears.  How could you not cry? a) He learned that the one he's been hunting is actually his brother b) He was the one who actually shot the then Gaksital c) He yells to call his mom, to tell her that his brother is probably dead (some denial... sobs sobs) only to find out that she's dead too. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Come here Kang-to, let me hug you!  I'll stop at this episode and will wait for more episodes to be shown. Anticipating what happens next really kills me.  And there's a few episodes left, they've shown episodes 9 and 10 this week.  Also news of adding 4 more episodes is buzzing around. Good news? I don't know.  I mean if its really written to run till 24 why make it 28 and drag the ending.  For me its like jinxing a very good drama.  But will see more of Joo Won, why not? haha!


  1. how can you not cry seeing him like that? (picture above) and the reasons why you have to cry with him lol!!! after watching this Episode my eyes are like the eyes of a bubble fish... nyahahaha

  2. This drama is a good follow up to QIHM. One good drama to another! I don't care if I'll look like a swollen fish after! nyahahaha

  3. correct...
    laughing/crying with our lappies alone is not a shameful thing for those KDdicts... hehehe

  4. Joo Won daebak! GAKSITAAAAL! It broke my heart when he said 'Bingo!' and its actually his brother that he shot! He'll probably hate that word!

  5. shameful on me I'm still on EP 6 and ur ryt!! he may hate it after that... yay.. it really sounds weird for me "BINGO" but obviously hearing it from him... I'm lovin' it.. hahahaha
