Gaksital Episode 6 - Fought hard not to cry, FAILED!
Dreamboy + Hey You at Music Bank
As I said before, I feel like the promotion for CNBLUE's Earfun album was not enough. I mean it took me longer to have their album (I pre-ordered) than their promotion. And when they promoted, it its always Hey you and Still in Love. Earfun got a lot of good songs in it, I love all of it by the way and not seeing them play it on stage makes me sad. But alas! now I saw them perform Dreamboy, I can't help but smile - a smile that extended till my ears! I think that's "earfun" for me yay! Although it just a portion of Dreamboy, still its nice to hear another version of it live (well sort of). Enjoy the video! credits: akfnzhyjs1
I noticed an improvement at Jonghyun, I feel like he has more stage presence now. I think it helped appearing in a drama. But why Minhyuk is too far behind? At the beginning of the song I can barely hear Yonghwa. CNBLUE awesome!
Gaksital Brothers - Sobs, sobs and more sobs
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Coming from Queen In Hyun's Man drama hangover, I gave City Hunter a try but due to lack of focus, I dropped it. I just watched what I caught while our former landlady (now she lives with us) is watching it. She's so engrossed on that drama and even caught her taking a snap from her mobile the computer screen! haha! Ajumma likes City Hunter - a lot!
For my Kdrama saga, I choose Gaksital or Bridal Mask. A vigilante that hides behind a mask, a bridal mask. I remembered Zorro! Man this drama is like a 3-layer cake, a lot of story to tell! Some say its City Hunteresque, but really I don't know where its coming from. Although both were adopted from manga with the same title.
I am now at episode 4, a while ago episode 9 was aired. I am 5 episodes behind, but only 8 were subbed till now. The woes of not knowing Korean language **sigh. I thought that in this episode Kang-to will learn that his brother is actually Gaksital. But an equally painful truth Kang-to learned, his first love that he thought was already dead is alive and he is actually hunting her to catch Gaksital as a bait. He realized how cruel destiny is, his life is, he returned home, and poured his heart out to his hyung - Kang San.
He told his brother how he worked hard for his tuition, thinking that it will end all of their hardship. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! But after what happened to his brother, he don't have any choice but to be loyal to the Japs, to live well. I really feel his agony. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!! I sob with them. I don't know why some criticize Joo Won's acting, I mean he is already good in Baker King. I didn't expect to see Shin Hyun Joon (Stairway to Heaven and Marrying the Mafia series) in this drama, a very good actor. Another thing that made me cry is the love of a mother to her children. Her prayers were all for her sons, for Kang-san to be sane (it will never be answered because he is sane) and for Kan-to to be good and that his punishment - all of it will be given to her instead. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!
There! A very nice episode, which I paused to write this entry. BRB.
Cobyness - In a spending spree!
I've been a bad bad girl this month! Spending left and right in malls because of left and right "SALE" banners! Argh! Here are the things that I bought so far:
Kipling bag. Been dying to have one for years.
Lacoste shoes. I don't have a decent pair of sneakers.
Blue skinny jeans, saw Park Min Young wearing one. hehe
Superdry shirt. Been drawn to this brand because of the Japanese characters on it. I still wish for the shirt with a big number 8 in front and says Osaka.
Accessories from Aldo. Got 2 earrings, two bright colored earrings. One in fuchsia pink and the other one in orange! They look like bubble gums. Oh that pop fashion in me! Also on sale was a hair clip with peacock feathers pattern and a foot cover in fuchsia pink, white and black to go with my new sneakers which is an epic fail by the way, for it is slippery. And with that, I ended up buying a new pair of ankle socks (way cheaper and better) in Tchibo, its like the German "Ikea" or "Daiso".
Brasserie from Triumph. Triumph seldom goes on sale and even on sale items are still sometimes pricey. I got one in 55 AED!
My spending spree did not end there as I am accustomed and I'd rather use that word than "hooked" to online shopping! The thing about online shopping is receiving packages. It teaching me patience. haha! But I just realized that the rates that my bank uses for a dollar is 3.8 AED which should be 3.68, the fixed dollar exchange rate in UAE.
Online I bought, 2 books and one booklet over at The package was sent 08 June and I received it 24th of June. Just in time for my friend's birthday. I decided to give her a book this time, so much for bags, perfumes or trinkets. This time its for our spiritual well being for maturity. I have the same book for my self which I started to read last night and hope to post some thoughts about it here.
The next item is Galaxy Note flip cover in orange! yeah same as Kim Hang Ah's flip cover in The King 2 Hearts! I ordered it from ebay. I am wishing to have the OEM flip cover but getting it online is difficult and tricky, so I just settled for the copy/pirated/fake one, since there's no way to validate the genuineness of the cover I intended to buy. It will come from Hong Kong, so it will be here after 3 weeks. See I told ya.. PATIENCE.
Lastly (and I hope this will be the last purchase for me this June and the upcoming July), I ordered the device for the flip cover! haha! Its funny that I bought the casing first which leaves me to almost no option for me to change the phone that I like to buy. This will be my first expensive phone, and jumping back again to the smartphone world. Before I was skeptical of getting a full touch device as my fingers wants to feel the buttons, but it seems inevitable nowadays. My BlackBerry was expensive too but that one was the entry level phone for BB. I am hoping to get it on Thursday but the lady said 4 to 5 days and as I reckon, this is day 1. Again PATIENCE.
Just now I realized that I have not ordered the must have MTV Unplugged of CNBLUE! Now this will be the last!
Yong in Green! and a little bit of Juniel
Just saw the two part cut of Yong with Juniel, well its actually Juniel with Yong since its Juniel's promotion of her album in KBS2 YouHee Yeol's Sketchbook. I downloaded her album last week but did not listen to it. Anyway upon seeing Yong sing, I screamed just like a normal fan girl would do! haha! And may I add, I want to hug my screen . He is so cute - handsome! :D Again I am liking how Yong handles girls. It is clear that Juniel is still a bit shy but Yong being a big brother looks so supportive. I didn't understand a bit but I watched the whole clip hehe! But as soon as Juniel strum her guitar and sing, you can see her confidence. Please, I don't sense any 'romantic' thing going on. But they look OK together I don't feel much of a chemistry, but they performed OK. Am I just jealous? haha! Na! Maybe a little bit! haha!
Earlier I viewed pictures of CNBLUE leaving Korea to Hong Kong. Again I wish I live in Hong Kong for CNBLUE experience is not scarce on that part of the globe.
As for Juniel, I just listened to all 5 tracks on her album My First June namely:
Illa - illa. So catchy that will let you sing along right away on the second chorus.
Ready Go! Got some cutesy effect I don't know why this song is even included. The song is cute and nice too, but it doesn't go with the rest of the songs on her album.
Everlasting Sunset. It has an Kdrama OST feel in it.
Mask. The best song on this album for me! You will really say that she can sing!
Fool. The song with Yong, how can you not like it.
For a first mini album, its good! I am hating myself for not listening to it upon downloading it. By the way I got it from this site.
[Photos] News photos of CNBLUE at Incheon Airport, leaving for Music Bank in Hong Kong
Happy Birthday! Even there's no way for you to see this post, I really wish you a happy birthday! mwah! Of course I have to have some wishes for you.
- that you will not get a tattoo.
- that you will compose more songs
- that you'll let us see your abs soon
- that I'll see on stage again LIVE!
Well the last two are more of wishes for myself! haha! Happy birthday and good luck to your endeavors! You worked hard! haha!
Blue Love - Now Playing
I miss CNBLUE! I really hope that they will have a concert in Manila and I hope I'll be there too! But we know that there is no concrete news yet as to when its gonna be or will there be really a concert this year. I miss the boys! Hope that they will finish all of their drama, rest and make more music.
49 days OST had been playing on my phone the whole day. I really like Kdrama OSTs and I particularly like 49 days especially the Three Teardrops by Jae Hee. I don't understand the lyrics except for "saranghandago" part :) I looked up the English translation and this is the part that I like the most.
Flowing from both eyes, the first teardrop makes my stopped heart beat again
Flowing down the cheeks, the second teardrop wakes my forgotten memories
Flowing down to the heart, the third teardrop makes the forgotten scent the wind
Now that made me wanna cry.. sniff sniff and I recall how much tears I shed in 49 days.
I decided to play CNBLUE's second mini album, Bluelove and memories of Bluestorm Hong Kong came as if it was just yesterday. I wanted to add an audio clip on this blog and so as you read a post it can be played. But it will cost me around $50 USD for a year.
First track is Love. "Yea CN to the BLUE..." I remember how I sang along with Yong during the concert and scream LOVE LOVE LOVE! Second track, Sweet Holiday, I think they played this one too in the concert. Then Black Flower and Tattoo the lesser known CNBLUE songs because I think its a bit heavy for pop listeners but for me its just right for my ears. Then Love Light (Sarang Bit), YongSeo! I once hooked with WGM. I learned more about Yong in WGM, although it may be a little late for me. I remember some YongSeo fans in the concert with their placards. Not mention that my other friend that was with us believes that it was real. haha! Lastly, Let's Go Crazy! A song that would make you jump up and down.
CNBLUE please ditch your dramas, although it helps on your popularity but really I'd rather see u guys on stage and rock us!
Stale Victory – Pacquiao-Bradley bout
As a Filipino, I take pride in any Pinoy that triumphs. One of them is Manny Pacquiao which is by the way a congressman in their Sarangani province, south of Philippines. I don’t know but that’s how politics is in our country. I first witnessed how he fights on one of those local boxing matches being shown late at night. Me and my brother don’t have anything else to watch at that time and we tuned in. We were so glad with the fight because he knocked down his opponent with just a few punches!
On June 10 (Manila), millions of Filipinos watched our Pambansang Kamao fight with Timothy Bradley. It is not an exaggeration when you will hear in the news that crime rate literally drops when there’s a Manny Pacquiao bout. In some places large screens were being setup for everyone to see the fight. Sadly he lost. I did not get to see the fight as I have work. Here in Dubai, a lot of Pinoys will call in sick or take a half day off. As for me I just opened twitter and just get the updates there.
Now one thing that you will hear when Pinoys lost in fights or a tournament and even TV ratings is “dinaya kasi” (because there’s cheating). Whether its basketball game in the smallest barangay, or on a larger scale – national election, the loser will cry foul.
As I said I did not see the fight live or even check it over at youtube. As expected, Pinoys cried foul. Whether or not the claim was true or not, just now I read, that WBO says that Pacquiao won over Bradley. It may appear like a total redemption of the cheating/conspiracy/game fixing claims, but for me it felt like a total CRAP! Its like they made a big joke on us Pinoys, the feeling of a loser is never good especially a Manny-Pacquiao-boxing.
The report says that it will not overturn the result, but it can constitute an approval of a rematch, even a force rematch between Bradley and Pacquiao. The rematch is set on November 10.
I love to watch sports and boxing is one of them as I grew up with my dad and uncles watching it feverishly, however with this one, I don’t care anymore.
Episode 16 (Finale) QIHM - Perfect Timing!
“I called him two days ago- I called Ji Hyun Woo who calmly waited for me during a very anxious situation, and while we were walking in the park, we decided that he will stop being ‘In Hyun’s Man’ and instead, start being ‘Yoo In Na’s Man’.”
Awww! I just finished the last episode of now my no. 1 drama of the year, Queen In Hyun's Man. Sorry The King 2 Hearts. the above is quoted from a recent post in allkpop. And I do not see any haters! Which is nice. What a perfect timing, as I fall in love with them in this drama, they were spotted in the park and now admitted their relationship. I knew that there's something different on how they look into each other's eyes. *kilig much! Do I have to mention the kisses on this drama? From the Hee-Jin's "good-bye" kiss to the tip-toe stepping-into-his-feet kiss. Haaaayyyy...
Good luck! I'm sure
Top 5s #3
- New bag, new shoes! I love shopping festivals! And in this part of the globe, it’s the shopping haven ofMiddle East. From the knock-offs to the most luxurious. DSS officially kicked off. Although the malls are usually crowded during the weekends (Friday and Saturday in UAE) yesterday was more crowded because it’s a 3-day holidays for us, well at least to those who have Friday and Saturday off. I’ve gotten myself a new Kipling bag in bright turquoise and red Lacoste snickers. Its 40% off for the bag and 50% off for the shoes.
- Answered Prayers! One of our dear Sis-in-Christ returned to UAE with all her work documents arranged. Though it was a long process, still we believe that all work together for good (Rom 8:28).
- Licensed Architect brother. I was not that anxious before his exams but found myself anxious waiting for the results. It was released last Thursday. I was waiting for it and I kept on refreshing PRC’s site. As my phone rings and that it registered my sister’s number, I knew already that its good news. It is an answered prayer also. :)
- Surrounded by nice people. This is a treasure. Though we see almost everyday, I never get tired of being with them even up to the mall. Last Friday, after the church service, we went to City Center. Its chaotic and its more chaotic in the food court. Its pass 9pm and still people are not yet done with dinner! It took us more than 10 minutes to find a place. The dinner was free and its so nice to have a feeling of a family when you are away from your own. Putting all those tables together like a long dining table, we prayed and eat 2 buckets of KFC Chicken. After that we head to shop! The boys got their Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 while we got our shoes at Lacoste with 50% discount!
- Early Salary. Got our salary for June! Its so in time with DSS which is rather a bad news if I don't spend it wisely. The next one will be after more than a month and so its more difficult to budget (as if I do this). haha!
QIHM - 11 down 5 to go
Such a lovely drama. I'm posting to have a little break, brush my teeth and wash my face and get back to the remaining five. Judging from the time I might finish at around 5 am. But I have church tomorrow so I'll probably just pick at some point where there is not much of things going on.
I didn't pay attention to the kissing scene that much as I might bite off the head of my panda bear. Ha! But I screengrab some for you over at Too bad that some tag it to Roof Top Prince, but its way better and they are probably eating their own words now.
Queen In Hyun's Man - I choose you!
For a while I stayed away from kdramaland, although updated of whats going to end and what are new dramas to come. After the almost 10-star drama, The King 2 Hearts (I ripped off a full point because of killing Shi Kyung, still I can't move on), I went on kdrama fasting for something more valuable. And now going back to my kdrama life, I chose Queen In Hyun's Man or QIHM.
Jumping into the bandwagon of fusion dramas, one would say about what QIHM did. I honestly did not get to see the last two episodes of RTP, for I am finding the male villain so lame and doubted how they will show the resolution to all the conflicts, plus the whole company CEO-ship thingy is really overused but Sena is so convincing that you'll say that she will go straight to hell, that's how bitchy her character was and her portrayal for that matter.
After hearing another fusion drama, I started to roll my eyes because I really hate those things that jumps into the trend and not invent their own. Dramabeans, you are such a great influence on my drama choices these days, and I thank you. I thank you for saving me a lot of time with your recaps.
I just finished episode 6, which it could have been 10 already if I did not go to City Center and shop. I told you about DSS right? hehe. And man, this drama is so good. I never thought that I'll like Hee-jin for I've seen her as an antagonist in Best Love, and this tall guy (I like tall guys) Boong-do, I didn't imagine that I will begin to love you, really. I didn't even expect that the chemistry of these two will be enough to fan myself. Its very different how they fell in love, no zigzag, no push and pull, not complicated and that you'll have to wait till episode 7 to see a kiss.
Haayyy, I'm in love!
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photo credits:'s_Man
Come On - New CNBLUE Japanese Mini Album
Come On! CNBLUE is releasing another Japanese mini-album following the success of Where You Are! If you have thousands of yens and hundreds of dollars, you can pre-order it over at HMV. Limited Edition is of course available to those who have more yens and dollars to spare. Wonder what will be the pictures songs will sound like. Release date: August 1. Tracks includes: Come on, plus 2 tracks and Come on (instrumental).
Excited much! But no matter how much CNBLUE is In my Head, and their album is asking Where You Are (why are you not buying?), acquiring their album especially the ones released in Japan are so expensive! It is coming from an average earner here in Dubai, and I wonder how a student living by her parent's allowance would be able to afford CNBLUE's Japanese album? Its saddening that in as much I want to get hold of all of their albums I simply can't. I really want to have In my Head, Where You Are and 392.
However, the MTV Unplugged is a must buy! I wonder if ordering over at HMV is better than ebay. It will be cheaper over at HMV. The only thing that is missing is for me to hit the Pay button! Yay!
Fangirling is never cheap!
RED? - Its on SALE!
Dubai Summer Surprise or simply DSS is just around the corner and its painting the town red with all the "SALE" banner. One thing that we can attribute Dubai aside from iconic buildings, desert and camels is Shopping! Malls are everywhere and the biggest in the world is The Dubai Mall. DSS will start on 14th but some shops already started. Now there's pros and cons for jumping into the sale right away. Pros - you still can get to get the good ones, and probably you can request for a stock and sales persons are still not grumpy, very accommodating and chummy. The cons, its still pricey if you will compare to the last days of DSS which is by the way last of a month.
Am I shopaholic? Nah! But I love to shop! I think I got this from my mom. She once told me that "Sale" is meant to say sa-le in English, "join". Its like join them in spending money. It makes a lot of sense, but I don't understand why she gets in and "joins"! So far I got a t-shirt from a brand that I want for a longtime, Superdry. I wish to get one of those shirt with a big number 8 and says "Osaka" but it wasn't on sale, not to mentioned nothing is available for the ladies. I was about to get the tee for males and just get the smallest size, but again its not on sale and its more than 170 AED. Just got a Kipling bag in aquamarine I believe that is the color, colors are now complicated and Shaui couldn't agree more.
I still "need" to buy a decent shoes, blue skinny pants, a pastel colored blazer and Samsung Galaxy Note! Just like that, its pass 12 am.
Just one movie and 2 posts! boo! Good night!
Happy Independence Day to all Pinoys! I will put a blog of things I like about being Filipino! Will wear something "makabayan" tomorrow too!
RX93.1 - CNBLUE in Philippine Airwaves
When I get tired of listening to NU107, one of the radio station that I switched to is RX93. Another reason to love RX is they are paying attention to CNBLUE. Although I hear some sarcasm on the other DJ probably rolling his eyes too, but hearing CNBLUE in the Philippine airwaves, I'll forgive him. So apparently on a segment KPOP GOES MY HEART, RX will choose an artist and play one of their songs yay! So the first one for CNBLUE is I'm a Loner which happens to be DJ Jinri Park's CNBLUE fave song.
Below is the audio uploaded on youtube by boiceph. Now the only missing is the concert! Hope I'll get concrete news soon. Now they need 5000 likes I think. With the time, money and love that Boices (yes Tom we are called Boices) invests on CNBLUE, I believe we merit a 2-hr concert! I hope CNBLUE will wrap up their side projects and do some music. I really feel that the promotions for Ear Fun was immaturely halted.
I wonder what will be the song for tomorrow as they say they will play one song of the featured KPop artist for a week. I hope its "In my Head". Which reminds me that we still have not ordered the SE MTV Unplugged.
Hey You CNBLUE! I miss you guys! But I think that made Yong Hwa have some time to build those biceps! yum yum!
Top 5s! # 2
Alas! I've got another of my Top 5s. Nothing about Kpop or Kdrama as I am in fasting mode (at least for kdramas). Still a lot of things to thank God for!
Drum roll....
- Bro's Archi exams. One down for him, its a 2-day exam. The first one was yesterday and the second one will be for tomorrow. He told me that he hardly got a sleep the day before his exams. After a decade of college, now he faces another challenge. A lot of people are praying for him. I think I am more excited for him. For passing this exams it will just manifest how God works, in His time and how prayers works! Good luck dude!
- Dad's Birthday. I honestly wasn't able to call him, but I called the day before. They (he and my mom) are in Ilo-ilo, my mom's hometown to visit our relatives. Its my birthday gift to him as it was his first time to travel through plane. My dad is such a handyman in which I wish my future hubby will be like that - among other things of course. I thank God for having such a father like you! lovelots!
- Bible Studies. We got 2 this week yay! One is with Ate Leny and its a send off get-together also for Liza who will be away for 3 months (hope this girl will get well soon). I miss the leading of an older and matured Christian. And the lesson about Forgiveness. A very timely lesson, for all of us especially to myself. I'll probably gonna post about it. Its good to hear that the ladies got blessed by the lesson. I thank God for using me and I am bringing all the glory to Him.
- TGIF. We (the Alpha Gwapas) had dinner with our Pastor. Too bad May have to miss it and so are Liza and Lai. I had the Wicked Chicken and got a share of all the rest of what the ladies ordered. After that Coldstone! Not really fan of Coldstone. I once got disappointed and never gave it another chance till Friday. Of course I love to see the ice cream flying before landing on the
floorcone! - Blog's New Layout. A clean and a summery feel for my blog this time.
**photo credits:
Samsung Galaxy note in Pink - I need you!
Getting into the Hallyu Wave
Ever since foreign dramas (thank you Marimar!) were introduced in the Philippines, sad to say that I never looked at another locally produced drama, except for Amaya and the Pinoy remake of Full House. I might know a bit about Lobo (Wolf) which is a failed (epic fail) attempt to do a Twilight drama because our flat have TFC and I have no choice but to see it. Though Twilight doesn't own the whole vamp vs werewolf storyline, but I believe that it jumped into the bandwagon, the Twilight saga.
Meteor Garden started it all for me. Although that may not be Kdrama, but a Tdrama, it made me realized that my neighboring countries (Mexico is too far) have their own dramas too! hehe.. I really like dramas to the point of patronizing one drama that was being broadcast over the radio! yay! I am so accustomed I should say in dubbed dramas, and at first I really find it funny as their mouth is saying something else that what I am hearing (I got over it after 15 minutes I think, told ya I like dramas!)
When Kdrama was introduced by GMA 7 I believe, it was their answer to the ABS-CBN's shooting up of its rating while having Meteor Garden. I think it was Endless Love, one of the Season Dramas, and as the season changed, there were more and more tears. I got an impression that Koreans are melodramatic, but upon seeing the comedies, and the other genres, I begin to love them. And that's what you call, hit by the hallyu wave! I can never look back now and one of the things on my bucket list is to go and visit Korea.
And so I've got some Kstuffs...
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Top 5s - June Entry
I know, this blog have dust and molds all over. Its June and I can see that my blog posts are going down. I don't think that I owe any one a post, but still, its a responsibility upon signing up to wordpress. Our cnbluedubai site is even worse! We could have re-blogged some news about CNBLUE, but its not personal. I also planned to put up another page or tab on my blog, featuring my top 5 happenings (at least in my life) on a WEEKLY basis and so goodluck to that! haha! As I write this I cannot even think of my top 5s! haha.. so in no particular order:
- Being transferred to head office. This is an answered prayer. I raised this on our prayer list, and viola, Sunday morning, I received an email that I am coming back! Glory to God!
- Post birthday gifts! Have 2 Mango bags! Thanks... Thanks... Thanks!
- Got our salary! It was blown out from my bank account in a week, but glad that I was able to pay off what I need to pay. Hope my Ma and Pa, will enjoy Ilo-ilo and that the weather will be nice to them, after all its my Pa's birthday, and will be his first airplane ride. Happy Father's day Pa! I love you!
- New hair color! eeerrrr... It doesn't really show, but its nice that it covered some white hair that I got from stress.
- Church anniversary is over! Yes its over and as our theme says "Run Faster, Aim Higher, Be Stronger!" Hope more ladies will be available for the ministry. A lot of souls need to know Christ and be their Savior.
Some pics from anniversary and victory dinner.
[gallery link="file" columns="2" orderby="rand"]
These top 5s will only be positive things, counting my blessings, oh and with that, it can be more!
God Bless!