Subbed! - Gaksital E25 & Answer me 1997 E11
Answer me 1997 - Episode 11 and 12 - RAW
Out Now - Code Name BLUE!
Its probably in their hands now, Japanese Boice that is. While for us (Boice) here in Dubai have to wait. I checked our order and only 1 is ready and since I opted for it to be delivered all together, the next shipment will be on the 31st. Then that's the time HMV will ship it, and they will most likely email me to agree with the adjustment of the charges since its more than 500 grams thus I need to add, 180 JPY which is OK. I'm hoping to get it on Thursday next week. yay! I usually shy away from mp3 rips of their songs as I want to hear it first hand on their CD because what's the point of buying. Coby, there's a 5 set calendar card! hehe.
I'm excited to hear CNBLUE's new songs and I am glad that most of it were composed by CNBLUE themselves!
I wonder how well it did on Oricon charts, and I am happy to be part of it! Next month I will order Come On, though its just a 3-song album, it will have a 44-pages photobook! I still have to buy In my Head and Where You Are, not for anything else but I simply love those songs.
I hope South Korea have something similar to HMV. My first experience with HMV is so smooth, plus it gives me an ease to know that you are buying to an established enterprise rather than some sellers on ebay that marks up the prices so high (almost doubles it). Though albums released in Korea is cheaper than its Japan's counterpart, but I wish I could get it cheaper. I got it say 50USD including shipping but on eBay its 54USD shipping charge not included.
So Boices around the world, if you would like to get Code Name BLUE, better get it over at HMV!
Code Name BLUE - CNBLUE's First Japanese Major Album
Today I remember that we still have to get CNBLUE's Code Name BLUE album! Its out on the 29th, so after receiving our salary for this month, we will order the album! My excitement was again is renewed! It will cost us, 3 Limited Edition (of course we will get the LE!) 11,190 Yen, the delivery cost might be more also as its for 3 albums which will weight more than 500 grams. This is the reason why it will incur delay, after they readied your purchase for shipment, that is the tome they will ask you if you are willing to pay the extra charges for the shipment. The whole thing will take 2 days. Still even with that it arrived fast!
I am saddened upon also reading that the album qualifies for "novelty" But its a rather a weird combination of purchase. Why would I buy a standard edition while I intend to have the Limited Edition? I also see on one site about a Lawson version which includes I think a video of "Where You Are" at Tokyo Dome City Hall, which I don't see on the list.
I am more interested on the tracks on this album which is pretty much a combination of the mini albums that they released in Japan successfully namely, In My Head and Where You Are. I still have not listened to any of new songs of CNBLUE. Again I would want it coming from the CD itself! A lot of the tracks here are from Yonghwa itself. :)
Answer Me 1997 - Episode 7 is subbed & a Little of Gaksital episode 23
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That Word - Bridal Mask OST - Part 5
I don't know about you, but me, I enjoy every drama OST as much as I enjoy the drama itself. I sometimes fill the longing for the next episode with the drama's OST and reminds me of the certain scenes in a drama through its OST. Just finished scanning the uploaded raw video of Gaksital episode 23, and this song is in it!
Now a new song for Gaksital is out! Goodbye Day is still my favorite though. Got this from this site. You may download it here as well.
Its Up but RAW - Answer me 1997 Episodes 9 and 10
That was fast! It usually comes a week after, even the raw videos! I am happeeeee! Again the answer that all of us is dying to know if Shi-won ends up with whom a)Yoon-jae b) Joon-hee c) Tae-woong I will not include Sung-jae for obvious reasons but you'll never know. I am excited to see it with subs, as of the moment I am scanning it and understands nothing. Watch it over at dramacrazy.
I am rooting for letter a, Yoon-jae, in fact to anyone except the hyung.
Eid Fitr Holiday - A Sum Up
Evaluating (evaluate really?!) ok, “Summing up”. I am summing up my holidays, to see if I did something fruitful. I believe that holidays should not go to a waste, first it doesn’t happened all the time, but if your in the Philippines you can easily plan your out of towns for a year since there are quite a few reds in the calendar. However in this part of the world, the Middle East is not keen on holidays. They do not have Bonifacios, Rizals and Aquinos to honor. But I fret not because in this part of the world, we have Ramadan that mandates every office to cut 2 working hours for a month! (tongue sticking out) and after the Ramadan month, Eid Al Fitr follows and its usually a 2 days off! We are lucky that the moon smiles so timely on a Saturday night to mark Eid and therefore Sunday and Monday was declared holiday.
I actually just got 3 days off, as I come to work on Saturday for overtime. My Friday is the usual whole day church. It is sad that we (the ladies) just rested, for me I dozed off and did not have a devotional. The one who is supposed to discuss being a virtuous woman is sick.
Come Saturday and I almost get a good news because my boss might not be coming to work. I reasoned not to come for OT stating that he is not coming. My friend said “might” and for me not to be cursed after for not coming by my boss, I came because he “might” be coming. Though he did not come, I forgot that I’ve got another boss that asked me to do a tedious task and ended up working till 6pm. I just reminded myself that it covers my utility bills a bag that I want to buy!
Sunday. I feel like I am in a “normal” country that day offs are Saturdays and Sundays. Nothing beats the feeling of going to church on a Sunday morning! This time we had dinner and a movie, which I already made a post how disappointed I was. We are all still full because of the snacks we had while watching the movie. Dubai Mall is a huge mall but why I find like 3 people in every square meter of the mall? Its so crowded and its so stressful getting around the mall and dine. We ended up with Uno and its sad that we did not get their signature deep dish pizza because we are still full. I feel like cursing my friend for not developing his taste palette that we can’t eat to a restaurant that does not have steaks or burger. The diner is courtesy from Lai that got her salary early. Yay! Thanks Lai! It’s a thanksgiving dinner for finally getting a good job placement.
Monday. I woke up late and was surprised that Nerisa did not come to work as our boss is not coming either. Its 10am because I stayed up till 2am watching the remainder of dorama, Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge aka The Wallflower (hopefully will do a separate post about it). Did some chores namely, laundry, vacuuming, mopping and waxing my legs. And yes, it’s a chore. Ha! I painted my nails too which is an epic fail because I was doing it while watching Dream High. Speaking of Dream High, I watched episodes 1 to 9 and if only I don’t have to work today, I’ll finish till 16 which is another 7 hours!
Dream High brought me find a new KPop idol to stalk, Taecyeon! And I love Suzy now and it let me remind my love for KSH, I almost forgot how your eyes are to die for. For Eunjung, reminds me T-ara's debacle.
I made this entry for I am sad of people complaining about coming "again" to work. I mean, isn't a 4 days off is good already Gratitude people! GRATITUDE. Some don't have a job, just be thankful you still have one. After 40 days, another Eid! Eid Al Adha, I know their names because its a holiday! But as I googled, it may fall on Friday, 26 October :(. Now off study.
Dark Night Rises - Errrr it Sucks!
I don't really fancy Batman, but when all those movies were shown it is a must see. I started watching Batman movies staring Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney and now Christian Bale. It took awhile for this movie to be shown here in UAE, and since it is the Eid holidays, we gave it a try. Nowadays, I don't know much about Hollywood as I sink myself in Asian dramas (Kdrama and Dorama) and Asian Movies. This Batman movie is in my radar especially after a controversy over its reviews on that one movie critique or editor was getting hates so they are holding up the review before the premiere. I did not read any reviews on rottentomatoes which I usually do before. Taking into account that its a Batman movie with Christopher Nolan in it, it seems promising. I was hesitant actually to watch as I find being apathetic to the victims of the shooting in Colorado. But I've moved on and watched Batman. yay!
Our seats were taken by these kids who would not want to move. Luckily the movie attendants were so firm of letting them move. Honestly kids here in UAE have the least of etiquette inside a movie house. I don't even know why Batman's rating were PG13 and letting children aged 7 years below being admitted at a Batman movie and honestly, I can't blame the kids' restlessness because I was too (its not getting anywhere for 45 minutes). I've not visited theaters that often and they still doesn't change, kids no manners at all, unsupervised.
I don't know if my whole experience of the movie was ruined because of the kids or just the movie sucks altogether. It was like watching a Batman drama, rather than Batman an action movie. They talk to much and this cliche about bombs, nuclear bomb that is, is so overused. Though with a hit of drama in it, like the whole Gotham City will vanish and people raised up to fight, I didn't get the feeling, I was not moved. The whole fight scene with Batman and Bane with the mob is like what? aren't they supposed to have a big time fight? Like glasses shattering, columns collapsing, falling from one floor to another, Batman being hurt and almost a goner to a winner? And no Catwoman-Miranda cat fight?
I am with great people with me, with my favorite Garret's Chicago mix popcorn, and a bubble tea. Even with that combo, I did not enjoy the movie. BOOOO!
There are a lot of expectations that were not met, and of course that's disappointing, no twist, no surprises, bland. I'll just wait for Wednesday for my real hero behind a mask, GAKSITAAAAL!
What now Shunji?! - Gaksital Episode 22
Why am I more worried for Shunji than Gaksital? Just like most people who are enjoying every episode of Gaksital, I think Shunji doesn't want his suspicion to be right. He is a friend after all. Before this episode, I asked myself (being so involved in this drama), where did all the friendship between them go? After Shunji learned that his brother was the one who killed Kang-to's brother (Gaksital 1.0), I didn't see any remorse but more of a bright light, ting! another clue to the puzzle. Especially when he heard form Goiso that his hyung suspected that Kang-toya's hyung is Gaksital. I just cannot bear friendships going into the drain because that means it was not there (friendship) in the first place.
This morning as I woke up, I scanned dramabeans' recap, and screamed "Oh no! Kang-toya!" and failed to realize that my roommates are still sleeping, good thing I didn't wake them. I know its up with subs too and again I thank the Kdrama fairies who religiously subbing Gaksital even with the presence of new dramas! The writers of this drama made my post a big joke as I wrote last night that I'll give 3-5 episodes to Shunji before he finds out. I forgot how awesome are the writers and PD of this drama.
Who would have thought that the "potato eating" scene will slice your heart and tears will automatically fall from your eyes. I realize how lonely our Kang-to is. No more family and that the hyung that he is remembering was killed by himself. Sniff.. sniff.. That episode is way, way back, only to be remembered by Kang-to with the gesture of Yang Baek.
I find the fanboy-like hug of the man who brought Gaksital to Dong Jin adorable and funny. He can't believe finally meeting Gaksital and slaps his face to complete the scene! haha!
Now why Wednesday is like 5 days from now? Off to watch episodes 5 and 6 of Answer me 1997! Oh and so its Eid Al Fitr on Sunday, so its Sunday and Monday off, so Kdrama overload! Ehem! I have to remind myself of the laundry and try to organize all my trinkets and accessories.
images from
Gaksital Fast Forward
Happy weekend! Hope Eid will fall on Sunday! That will mean 2 days off! 2 days of Kdramas!
Subbed! - Gaksital Episode 21
Faith - Premieres Tonight!
Coby: Kdrama give my life back!
Kdrama: What life? As if?
Lee Min Hoooooo! Am I gonna scream like that on my blog? Honestly I am not a Lee Min Ho fan, though I cannot deny his hotness! I wasn't able to see City Hunter in full, as I refrain to add to the growing fangirls of LMH. Yea, yea.. I missed a lot for not seeing City Hunter, and its still in my list of "To-watch-if-I-have-time". Now I am going to join the whole LMH hulabaloo with Faith. Another sageuk (I love sageuks, the costumes, the props, the language) and yes with time travel. Now we'll see if it will live up with the hype, so far QIHM man holds my favorite when it comes to saguek-modern time drama fusion.
Its funny how it has a place now in dramabeans for the recaps. They love LMH so much! I thought it already started and that I missed it, only to find out it will be aired tonight!
Will I love LMH this time?
Its Subbed! - Episodes 3 and 4 of Answer me 1997
I've been seeing a lot of views about Answer Me 1997 and it seems that everyone (at least in kdaramaland, Hangeul challenged creatures) is looking for English subs of Answer me 1997. As I woke up, and while my brain is still processing what needs to be done for today, with a hint of denial that there is no work today, I opened Facebook and scrolled.."duh?!".. scrolled.. "hehe"..scrolled "yay! finally!" its subbed in episodes 3 and 4!
I am so tempted to simply watch it raw and read the recaps over at dramabeans, but I think I will never get that pure bliss of seeing a good drama! I wonder who is getting married on the group. It doesn't seem to be Shi-won and Yoon-Jae, **sigh I am a sucker for "first love" stories and it really breaks my heart when the first love isn't the last.
I'll finish my task now here at the office (yes, coby you have work on Saturdays), then go home and watch episodes 3 and 4!
O Gaksital, Gaksital
We are back to the normal schedule, that is 2 episodes for this week. We survived the one-episode-a-week Gaksital! The cliffhangers on both episodes 17 and 18 were so over the edge and doubted my mental survival. As a withdrawal method, I shy away from any other drama, but keep Joo Won at bay, I turned into 1n2d.
[SPOILER ahead]
I failed to put an almost-recap post for that episode, and its part of my withdrawal. Episode 17's last scene was Mok Dan unmasking Gaksital and saw Lee Kang-to! After that, romance (a little kiss there, and a hug and assuring words to each other later on). I am glad that the drama didn't go to the part where in Mok Dan's hatred for Lee Kang-to will be more that her reverence to Young Master. Its good that the drama did not go to complicate how Mokdan would know how Kang-to became Gaksital and have it straight from Kang-to which is more satisfying.
Its good to know that Gaksital now has someone new to lean into because the burden is unbearable. I cried terribly at episode 18. Not of Kang-to-Mokdan encounter but the people who supported Gaksital, coming into the venue where Damsari will be executed publicly, against the will of Chief Kono, with white garment underneath. Although very much aware that such effort will be vain, still they had their voices known. I thought of how our patriots fought during those times as well, when our country, Philippines was also under Japanese Annexation. Our Gaksital is recuperating, from serious wound received from Rie's swordsman.
As soon as the commotion was over, a man in dressed in white, with a mask, comes flying from the behind and cut the rope that was around Damsari's neck. At first, what?! you are not supposed to be there because he will be surely caught! After seeing being shot from the leg, he was easily surrounded by the police, a bit rounded chin, ha! its not the real Gaksital! I was relieved, relieved that its not the real Gaksital. But wait! He is a suicide bomber! Dynamites were wrapped around his waist and one hand holding wick and the other a lighter, and then KABOOOM!
Episode 19, the one shown last night, started with the remnants of Episode 18. I usually hate it when dramas shows part of the previous episode, but this I don't mind. It is need to have the feeling when....the real GAKSITAL shows up! Gaksital shows up with a sword and ripped apart the Japanese colony flag. I watched this part raw last night, and quit because I would not understand a thing. Whenever I see Gaksital with all those maneuvers, I really hope that its Joo Won, because its so graceful.
Damsari and our Gaksital safely get away with the truck not a horse, but fake Damsari-wifey got shot and fell. NOOOOO! I already envisioned extreme torture!
Lee Kang-to showed up, looking fresh and stress free! I wonder what will be his excuse now. MIA for more than two days while the whole police force was in chaos. He said a perfect excuse and can be understood by anyone, L-O-V-E, a broken heart that is. Shunji buys it, well since it means he will have a girlfriend now.
Before this scene, a very touching encounter, a hug between Damsari and still a masked Lee Kang-to. The drama did not show that Kang-to admitted bluntly to him that he is Gaksital. It was way satisfying towards the end of this episode that they are plotting together now! Altogether in one side, one purpose and one aim -- to set their country free from Japs!
There is a Mokdan and Kang-to encounter again at this episode. Silent stare, so clever not to talk even though Shunji is sleeping. My heart stopped a bit and wishing they will not talk, they did not (thank goodness!) because I am sure Shunji is half awake! They talked only with their eyes, but they can't resist hold hands, and let go just in time before Shunji wakes up.
They seem to lack chemistry. Haaayyy... I even read some comments that they would not mind seeing Mokdan's character die at the end so that Gaksital can end up with Rie. Lee Kang-to, being a smooth operator approached Rie letting her know that he saw who killed Kono and realized how powerful are the people backing up Kimura and he wants to be in. Rie confused the whole time with a bit of liquor I supposed and Kang-to's flirtation. I bet its more of the later specially after a peck on her cheek from Kang-to. I literally screamed "me too!" Ha! the joy of watching kdrama alone, you can scream all the things you want, without humiliating yourself, but later on revealing everything on a blog post. hehe!
If I am Rie, I will stutter while saying, ", I'll tell my dad and I will make sure you will get in" haha! But no, she show up the next day announcing to Kimura and the new Chief that she wants Kang-to in and she will tell her dad! I don't blame you girl, AT. ALL!
The most touching part of this episode is when Jeokpa, the fake wifey of Damsari was thanking Lee Kang-to/Gaksital. It flashed back to a scene where Mokdan rushed to their den to tell them that Gaksital is badly hurt. And as one of the comrade said that they better kill Lee Kang-to, she said "You don't know who Lee Kang-to is? He is Gaksital!" Thus the endearing words of thanks to Gaksital and biting her own tongue killing herself. Her words she said were so intense, it left Shunji to faint and roll off the stairs (don't worry just 5 steps).
What more can I say, this drama is so good! Tonight (earlier) Episode 20 was aired in Korea. 8 episodes left. Now that makes me sad a bit. Tomorrow will be church for me, I hope I will not think of Gaksital till I reached home. By the way, Shunji's GAKSITAAAAAAL! sounds so good as well!
Just saying....
To retain world peace, there were times (a lot actually) that I refrained from posting replies to other people's comments. First, I don't want to be tagged as an opinionated girl, troll, hater, or even an anti. I don't know what you will tag me after reading this, but be sure to check the dictionary first. Second as I said from the beginning, to retain world peace. Now since I have a little space on my own (free) on the web, thanks to wordpress, I think I have all the authority to (1) make fun of myself (2) make fun of others. Being into Kdramas and a little of Kpop, believe me those two goes hand in hand, reading into user comments is inevitable. In fact, even producers and idols alike do care for what people, in this case "netizens" about what they think of anything under the sun of Kpop/Kdrama. Half of the entertainment that I get from Kdrama and Kpop, are user's comments, its really a whole new world.
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What I would like to post as my comment is: "I'm glad nobody is talking about Love Rain!" hehe! Hmm...It think I'll post it. Peace..peace.. peace.. I am really scared of Sones, I once made an entry about YoonA and some diligent Sones found my site and explained came into YoonA's defense.
Maybe I'll do my midyear drama reviews myself! Those dramas that I watched and failed to finish properly with just 2 episodes left, like Roof Top Prince, Moon/Sun, and Big.
Answer me 1997 - Subs Please!
Nostalgic. This is what the show offers. After seeing 2 episodes (well because its the only episodes with subs, if not I will not be writing, thus my withdrawal from this drama). After I watched CNBLUE's MTV Unplugged, I put in the Blue Storm DVD. I stopped watching to let my roommate use the TV, which is by the way you TV screwed the first part of video, so I ended up replaying the beginning of the show. Going back, I've been reading some praises for this drama left and right. I was so cautious not to start with it till I see enough English subbed episodes, but I gave it a try. Why? to refrain from watching Gaksital raw! Even if I posted on Facebook, "I want it RAW", I stopped myself to fully enjoy Gaksital. This addiction is getting worse. Let me google for a drama patch.
I once said to my 6th grade classmate, that my grade school days are the things which I would like to bury, thus reminiscing those days were not good. Its funny how she views me differently from the way I see myself back then. It haunted my highschool a bit and even through college. The bite of bitterness still surfaces, though already moved on. This show reminds me of those years, though it may not be as colorful as what this show showcases. The thinking of being wise and sure back then, is now just being naive. Your true love is just a big crush now. Whoa! Saying those is like saying "I'm grown up now!" and "matured", or NOT! hehe!
To our English Subs Fairies (they should be called "fairies" seriously), I beg you to sub all episodes!
And its here! - CNBLUE MTV Unplugged
The long wait is ovah! Its here! Its here! As the post man enters and saw EMS, I didn't bother to ask, I way I grabbed the package from his hand is more of a snatch (hehe!), I squealed together with Shaui, did jump? I hope not cause its kinda not so proper office conduct. But can you blame me? I love HMV, its way cheaper and delivers it fast (thru EMS)! Till our next purchase, "Code Name BLUE"! I ordered it last 30th of July, they shipped on the 4th because they have to adjust the charges on the shipping since its over 500g.
Currently listening to the CD now with all the wide grin on my face! Oh my favorite of all "In my Head" is now playing!
Landed in Dubai - MTV Unplugged!
Its here in Dubai! Although its not here on our hands yet, but its good to know that it arrived already. yay! Hope they will not open it, just like Ear Fun before.
Joo Won - Aegyo Galore!
Now I will start to write (I think) more about my new found love, Joo Won! Eeerrr, I don't think I need to say that, for one, my banner is already gracing his face, and his daebak drama, Gaksital aka Bridal Mask. With this "love" I am talking about, it will start by watching everything he's into, and one of it is the second season of 1n2d! I didn't realize he was there, all I know that the new addition to the group is Cha Taehyun, the guy from My Sassy Girl. And so luckily, I was introduced to one site that shares 1n2d with English subs! And indeed "Sharing is caring!" haha!
I've managed to see till episode 12 and man, Joo Won, just got a collection of his aegyos (cuteness to the highest level) and I am not complaining! So different from the roles he portrayed in Baker King, Ojakgyo Brothers (judging from 2 episodes that I've seen, its 58 episodes for crying out loud, don't know if my love will carry me through) and of course GAKSITAAAAAL! Imagine a tall man, suddenly would do an aegyo! haha!
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Kang Minhyuk - Awwwww.....
Looking for something to do, I decided to check whether I can download the rest of the subbed 1n2d Season 2, I saw a screen grab of one episode of Happy Together. Kang Minhyuk is there and said something that we wants to be with CNBLUE for the rest of his life... awwww..
One Time!
Yes its the CNBLUE song! yay! whats the fuzz? well it was used as a music in one of the news about US gymnasts in the Olympics and how it inspires the wannabees aspiring gymnasts! Some airtime! No matter how short but being mentioned made me a proud noona fan!
Clip is at
2 Episodes! - Gaksital OMO!
I screamed and it turned some heads. It is so loud that they heard it even I am inside of a glass-walled room, with its door closed. Why? Because I just learned that Gaksital will air 2 episodes this week!
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However it made me sad to realize that only 8 episodes will remain after this week's 2 episodes. I have not made an entry about another daebak episode 18. An early withdrawal to one of my dearest drama. Hope it will not screw the ending like Big and a little of QIHM, just the mobile part, or perhaps kill one of my favorite character like in The King 2 Hearts. Shi Kyuuuuung!
I We simply can't wait for Wednesday! Well actually, Thursday for me because stream with English subs of Gaksital will be released the following day. Which reminds me of completing all the lessons on Level 1 of my Hangeul lessons from TTIK. yay!
Flying to Dubai! - CNBLUE MTV Unplugged
CNBLUE's MTV Unplugged in Japan was released last June 27. Yes, they have an Unplugged album in their belt already and that is MTV and yes it will remind you of Nirvana (though not Nirvana-esque) still for me, for us, its big!
Due to monetary constraints (fangirling is never cheap), we decided to not to pre-order it on HMV, and checked ebay to see if its cheaper, but its 3 times more expensive. I did not consider yesasia because its usually expensive there. Sometimes the shipping charges is more expensive than the product itself which is like robbing.
After we get our happy salary for July, we decided to buy it. My previous post, came into a reality. Yay! Actually we decided, if we will pre-order the Code Name BLUE. I told the girls that if we do that, the items will be shipped after the release of Code Name BLUE, which is end of August (can't wait to get my hands ears on that too!)
Going through the whole buying process in HMV is such a breeze and can do it even with eyes closed! The reason for that is, I've been going through the same process since April without hitting "Purchase"! hehe. And now its flying to Dubai! Of course we bought the Limited Edition! Its 206 AED, around 54 USD all in! In Ebay its 80USD, some sellers even sell it for over a 100 USD.
So if you've been saving and will buy this must have album of CNBLUE, try HMV, its cheaper and easy.