Pictures - CNBLUESTORM in Taiwan!
Just after the BKK Bluestorm, CNBLUE head straight to Taiwan for another concert. Here are some pictures that I got from klaritia's twitter.
Excited! - The Moon that Embraces the Sun Episode 17 airs tonight...
The Moon that Embraces the Sun (really this title is a pain to type) episode 17 will be aired tonight! Who is excited? I think I will cry on this episode. The King knows that Wol is his long lost love... After 8 years of longing... How are they going to unite? sniff sniff Oh I am crying already!
Yong Hwa in Purple- CNBLUE goes to Taiwan for CNBLUESTORM
I believe this is blog worthy. Yong Hwa is sporting a purple pullover as the boys arrives in Taiwan! CNBLUE will play tonight for the Bluestorm concert! It will surely be another AWESOME night. Hoping that they will come to Manila soon.
How do I say this... Umm, Jungshin has this total rock star aura, Jonghyun appears so vampiresque, Minhyuk is like a real idol (reminds me of his kdrama promo pics in which he looks different.. like up another notch of cuteness) and Yonghwa.. he looks so tired and looks like he did not think of what to wear. But I love the color of his pullover (my favorite) and in his own little way he stood up among the 4 just because of his color choice! Nice one Yong! He could have ditched the scarf. I got to give it to guys who can wear (and can nail) loud colors.
**got all pics from klaritia's tweets
CNBLUE MTV Unplugged - Another reason to love CNBLUE!
CNBLUE probably said, "Its MTV Unplugged, so LET'S GO CRAZY!" That's the first song "Let's go Crazy". And its crazy! I think this is the first time that I'll say this, the boys voices really blends well. The parts of the song that Yonghwa got to sing and the same with Jong Hyun suits so well! With this unplugged version, I can clearly hear the parts of Jungshin chingu. And you cannot miss how Yonghwa is enjoying the moment!
Next song is Now or Never. Put your hands up!, says Yong, crowd begins to clap with the song. Feels so riiggghhhhtt... yeah!
Tear drops in the Rain.. The most suitable song for an acoustic. Didn't see anything special because CNBLUE or rather Jong Hyun usually sings this "unplugged", nevertheless, Yonghwa even on second voice is pure bliss!
In My Head! My goodness the intro is enough for me to melt and how much I love the boys is up by another notch mile! I already talked about this song on my previous post. I converted the video that I downloaded to mp3 and trim Tear drops in the rain. Now I've got In my Head unplugged version! The quality is not nice better now. Hope they will release the unplugged album... Reminds me of Nirvana except that their MTV Unplugged is kinda creepy.
Last song "One time" I love Jungshin's rap and how Yong screams the some lyrics so sexy! (I'm blushing). I just don't know how those ladies in front can contain their screams! If I was there maybe I will be dragged outside just after the intro of the first song! The way Yong ended the song is so amazing! AMAZING!
Screaming to the top of my lungs! - CNBLUE MTV Unplugged is here!
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! Wait that's more of a cry than a scream! I was about to go to sleep and want to sleep a little early like 11 pm and yes it is still considered early considering I usually sleeps at 1 am. I am planning to read one new lesson of my hanguel and review a few older lessons. But I was tempted to open facebook and check what Boices got to say for the day. These girls never fails when it comes to CNBLUE updates, well they will not be called Boice for nothing.
A few weeks back I was counting down the days till they will release the MTV Japan Unplugged of my boys. With all these Kdramas that I sunk myself into (hello Flower boy Ramyun Shop!), I forgot about it. I screamed and I screamed and even screaming once in a while as I write this blog because it currently playing!
AWW! says Yong for the song "Let's Go Crazy"! Since it says "DO NOT RT", I will not post it here. Sorry. But its in youtube. I'm downloading it and will upload in mediafire. Too bad my laptop shutsdown.. which tells me to let it rest, as I've been using it for 5 straight hours for marathoning Biscuit Teacher and Star Candy.
CNBLUE is daebak! "In my Head" came out really good! that..that is an understatement! its AWESOME! I concerted it to mp3 and will cut the "Teardrops in the Rain".
CNBLUE - In My Head (Japanese Album)
In My Head, released October 19, 2011 in Japan. Tracks includes In My Head, Mr. KIA (Know-it-All).. not the Korean car, Rain of Blessing (the song that Shaui wished that CNBLUE will play in Hong Kong CNBLUESTORM but sadly it wasn't), In My Head (Instrumental)... at first really? Instrumental why would I need that? its the same track minus the voices of Yonghwa and Jonghyun but it was IS good. A certified gold by RIAJ. as 100,000 copies were sold (physical).
Got it from somebody online, but you can get it here.
Where You Are, Feeling and Getaway - CNBLUE
Where You Are - CNBLUE's second major single released in Japan on February 1, 2012 in which we all know that reached no. 1 in Oricon charts! It has 4 tracks, Where You Are, Getaway, Feeling and Where You Are(Instrumental), which is sadly not included on this download. By the way I got it from this site. Enjoy!
On the Right Track - My Hangeul Lessons!
My epic desire to learn (by self taught) the Korean language was in total blunder! First I bought a DVD on impulse and got the wrong information from the salesman whom I believe just wanted to have a sale that day or maybe he just didn't understand me. I want to have a software that will tell that my pronunciations are correct and I thought (the salesman said) that it what the DVD does. Well it doesn't, so that major blunder no 1.
I've came across TTMIK website for lessons but I don't know what happened why I didn't see the step by step lessons there! I've visited that site a dozen times but failed to see the lessons. Bummer! I could have avoided that DVD which can be equivalent to a decent shoes. Impulse buy when will you leave me alone?! Major blunder no. 2!
Major blunder no. 3 is well, now I found the lessons in TTMIK (good news right?) So I started with Level 1, Lesson 1 with Hello and Thank you. So after that which I know already, I jump to Level 2 Lesson 1. Well after Level 1 its level 2 right? Though I was wondering why the next lesson was right away about tenses and future tenses that is! LOL! duh?! its because you skip lessons 24 of it dummy! LOL
But now I've got all the lessons in Level 1. I printed and downloaded the mp3s. TTMIK is so good that it even is equipped with a workbook. Got to donate some on their site.
The Moon that Embraces the Sun Episode 16 (RAW) is up!
I just got home. I was hoping that I can now watch episode 15 with subs but to no avail...sad..sad..sad..But episode 16 is up but raw (still going to see it even though I will not understand a thing). Need to learn Korean language now!
Most likely the King is interrogating the head shaman... and as she closed her eyes, is that admission?
My favorite scene of the episode! By his cries (and flashback) I think he knows the truth! Now why we need to wait for next week? hahaha! Patience..patience..patience... to Moon/Sun viewers!
The Moon that Embraces the Sun Episode 15 is up!
The Moon that Embraces the Sun Episode 14 - Spoiled! Episode 15 airs tonight!
Wow its Wednesday already! Sometimes you get to love the day before your last day at work even more than the last day of the work week which is Thursday in most gulf country. But Wednesday is even more fun because episode 15 of The Moon that Embraces the Sun will be aired tonight! I thought that this drama will just be 16 episodes (like most dramas are) and felt sad by the fact that it will end on Thursday. So I began to google for the a possible extension. So I thought 16 + 4 = 20, only to find out that it is really scheduled to be 20 episodes! So that's good news for me, but I also read that in episode 14, Wol already regained her memory! Sorry if this spoiled you too! I refrain from watching episodes 13 and 14 because I cannot get enough of it (the drama) and waiting for next Wednesday and waiting for it to subbed is just pure torture! I managed to stay away from episode 14 recap from dramabeans, but now I screwed it (cries)!
100th Blog Entry
Whoa! I have never dream that this blog will actually work. Work in a sense that first, 100 posts! I created a blog way back 2008, which housed 2 entries one of which is about the feeling of discrimination or simply bad customer service of Starbucks here in Dubai, and the second was my mad reactions to I a hoax news about ABS-CBN one of the big networks in the Philippines is trying to re-create or rather do a drama riff-off of Twilight! My beloved Twilight… back then (chuckle)…that’s a lesson for me. After that I quit blogging. I realized that I do not have much blog worthy idea back then, well maybe until now but what the heck! (laughs)
Tim Hortons - A Brief Love Affair
Last Thursday, as we rush to church for choir practice and as I was listening to FT Island 's Grown-up while I am trying to catch up with Neri (who is walking so fast to get into Villeroy and Bosh for her uber expensive utensils). I saw a line in Tim Hortons. I tasted their regular coffee the first time I went there and it wasn't bad considering its cheap.
So that there was no queue, I quickly ordered a doughnut and I told myself that will start with their basic doughnut. The good old honey glazed doughnut! I wasn't able to eat it that night so I reserved it for my Friday morning breakfast with coffee! I was disappointed to see these curly doughnuts in which I though I just ordered the regular round ones. Oh what the heck I didn't check it so its my fault. I put it into the microwave for a few seconds then began to eat it! Its heavenly! It was a good mistake that I was given the honey cruller! I love how soft it is, and the filling, the filling of a cream puff!
And I literally said, "I found my new love!". My friend couldn't agree more and cursed me for letting her eat a doughnut. I right away took my phone (the only camera that I have, because I left mine back home in Philippines ) and took a shot of it and thought of posting it here.
When I find something good, I would have an overdose of that until I had enough and actually hate it in the end. That's an exaggeration, rather it will take sometime before I will think about it.
So as I pass by the mall last Sunday, I decided to buy that doughnut again and was surprised to see theres no queue (we are indeed meant to be!). I discovered that it will be cheaper if I buy it by the dozen (hello? its always cheaper by the dozen). So I bought just half a dozen and a regular coffee (the cheapest). The other guy from the counter that served my coffee is courteous enough to offer me a sleeve since the coffee is hot.. oh how thoughtful. It reminded me about that Starbucks incident way way back here in Dubai that I was so pissed and even blogged about it. Going back, I waited for my lovey dovey doughnuts and before I go, I asked for napkins as I am clumsy surely the coffee will spill. So the LADY (take note of all caps) pointed me to go to the corner where I could get it. So I said "Ok, thank you" was almost singing since I have a good coffee in my hand and my six pieces of my lovey dovey doughnuts. Until she muttered, "Sugar is also there, just don't get a kilo of it."
Music suddenly stopped, I cringed and walkaway. It took some moment for it to sink in to my system. And it was like WHAT?! PFFFFT! Some racist and what makes it worse is that it came from a Filipina. I thought of going back to her and take a full refund. Some customer service. This morning I googled (the darn receipt do not bear any phone number). Google did not help much then I remember that girl asked me about having a "Club Apparel Card" I told her I don't have my phone with me. So I googled club Apparel then clicked on Tim Hortons. I spoke with the manager. although apologetic but I didn't feel any empathy. He asked me what happened so I told my story. I planned to nag at the manager but to no avail, he right away asked me to come back to their shop and willing to compensate the insult I got from my kabayan. Hmm I wonder if they will give the best bagel they've got or like a lifetime 50% off! Tsk tsk why I didn't ask? oh well
What a sad sad experience for me, I was looking forward to taste their famous bagels (I love bagels) but having this kind of experiences cut the love affair. I will definitely miss you honey crullers!
**kabayan - simply means co-patriot, but usually refers to Pinoys (Filipinos) here in UAE, even other nationalities would call us kabayan (so much for etymology)
New Post - mind is loaded with things to post!
I'll be bidding my not so busy day in the office, wherein I could do a virtual staking of CNBLUE, tweet about it and even post in this blog. There are a lot of things that I want to post in this blog and composing a blog entry in the office is perfect for me. Nice chair and fast internet connection, besides nothing beats the comfort of working on a desktop. My laptop at home sits on a breakfast-in-bed-table and under it is small plastic chair. Yea..yea.. I just cannot throw the acacia wood breakfast-in-bed table that cost about $30. The beam (I think its called a beam, I'm no carpenter) where the legs are attached to cracked so it would not stand. Gladly, we have this little plastic chair, that now serves as it legs.
Sorry, I don't know why half of this entry is about the breakfast-in-bed table. Reading the above is enough to tell that I really love that table that I cannot throw it an even would have a space on this blog.
Anyway the things I want to write about are:
- My thoughts about the Flower Boys Ramyun Shop (dunno if I got the title right) and why I even bother to watch it.
- Why I don't mind if Kim Soo Hyun would yell at me.
- About how impossible to simply google "Your Eyes by Unbekannt mp3 mediafire" (yes there is a band/singer named like that) and get results.
- My own pet peeves re: Kpop and Kdrama but still patronize them
hayz! I got to log out now. Maybe if I finish all things that I need to do, I'll have time to write those!
Have a blessed Sunday!
[Twitter|Photos] CNBLUE Fanclub Tour 2012 - Day 1 to Day 5
The Moon Embracing the Sun - Episode 13 and 14 is up and subbed!
Last Thursday, I finished the 12th episode and episode 13 and 14 (download links here) was aired Wednesday and Thursday. Although I managed to stay away from the drama for I think 2 weeks (I stopped at episode 2), when I started to watch this drama again, I cannot stop! I even watch the first part of episode 13...raw! I didn't bother to watch the next parts for I cannot understand anything. But then I thought of dramabeans! The witty writers recaps every episodes of almost every Kdrama that I know in a funny way. And so I read the recap of Episode 13 and now I will read recap of Episode 14! Dunno how reading a recap would ruin the fun of watching it. Wait (closing the tab that bears episode 14 recap)! Whew! Almost ruin all the fun in watching it later. I am thinking of making a vow not to read recaps of this drama. But the subs really are not coming that soon. I don't know when the subs were uploaded (I didn't check last night).
Was those episodes are good? There were rumors that it will be extended to 4 more episodes which I see it coming, simply by looking into all the rating. However it was denied by the producers. Do you want to see more of this drama?
Fashion King - KDrama to watch (at least for me)
After discovering how handsome (even with his did-not-take-shower-for-weeks looks) Yoo Ah In in Sungkyunkwan Scandal, a new mission came to me -- to watch everything where Yoo Ah In can be found! I downloaded Boys of Tomorrow but honestly I don't have the time to see it yet.
Last week, I tried to look for promotional poster, but to no avail. Now I've seen it! Dunno what made me thought of Yoo Ah In right at this moment that I end up looking up again for Fashion King.
Fashion King is set to air on March 12 at SBS after Salary Man. It will star Yoo Ah-in , Sin Se-kyeong, Lee Je-hoon, Kwon Yoo-ri and Jang Mi-hee. Check the teaser here. Hope this will be a good one but what the heck! Yoo Ah In is in there.
The Moon that Embraces the Sun - OST
Your Kdrama will not be complete without an OST. For such a good drama like The Moon that Embraces the Sun, it is of course equipped with a very good OST. And if you are watching and anticipating each episode to come, you surely heard this song -- To Turn Back Hands of Time by Lyn. You can download the OST from this site.
The Moon that Embraces the Sun - Episode 9.. done!
I've got lots of free time today and I already watched 2 episodes of The Moon that Embraces the Sun (man this title is so long). With 3 episodes left on my hard drive, I stopped watching. Well I have to. The drama is so good and beautifully made and will let you crave to see what is next. Now thinking about that made me want to hit period, click publish, and sign out from wordpress to watch episode 10!
First Hangeul Test - FAILED!
Boice Ramblings
[caption id="attachment_248" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="got from youtube"]
[caption id="attachment_247" align="aligncenter" width="593" caption="never thought of the word "Alien" but this person did"]
[caption id="attachment_246" align="aligncenter" width="593" caption="awwwww"]
The Climb
No this not about Miley Cyrus' song. I remember when we went to Hong Kong last January, I told Shaui to spare me from climbing yet another tourist attraction but that is to no avail. I ended up climbing and I guess that will not be the last of it if I intend to travel again and see tourist spots. I don't know why they have to put something-- a statue particularly at the very top of a hill or mountain. I mean if I wanted to go hiking or to climb, I'd rather do mountain hiking but not to be with a statue that I am not fond of in the first place. Good thing that usually in those occasions the views are magnificent!
[gallery columns="2"]
Learning Hangeul...
With my fascination over Kdrama and Kpop not to mention CN Blue, its been a long dream for me to learn Korean. Dunno why I started late on this. I've been to dozen sites teaching the Korean Language and today, I passed the quiz! Considering that, I am still in level 1. I can read Hangeul and even can write a few but I don't have the vocabulary. I particularly like and also the wikiproject site.
I don't know what will be the real approach in learning a language on your own (and for free). I try to recall, how I learned English, a different language from Filipino. I think its exposure to the language that's why most Filipino can at least speak in English even if its English-carabao! hehehe! Long before Engrish, we have English-carabao!
I don't know how can I can squeeze in learning Hangeul to my already chaotic schedule. 아이쿠!
Sad...sad...sad - Whitney Houston is dead
Just this morning we all heard the news that the Queen of Pop - the Diva herself is dead. No news yet of the caused her death. How many more like her (artist) who once had a great career and die just like that. So sad that she didn't die on a high note.
Teasers, teasers and more teasers - EXO
I have a draft post re: the tremendous teasers from EXO. I don't know them even with the 14th teaser that they've released. Yes a whopping 14! I was about to post that they 13 teasers which by the way I was hoping that it will be the last, but I was mistaken. I thought that writing a post just for that is useless. I seems to be a bit useless until now, maybe they will stop once I see one. Maybe I'll diligently watch the 13 14 teasers before I post a nasty comment. I was planning to put all the links for all the teasers. Good luck to that!
CNBLUE not a real band? -- Boices beg to disagree!
Still can't get over the fact that someone is saying that CN Blue is not a real band over at seoulbeats. People have different tastes its fine that you are not fond of CN Blue but to say that they are not a real band is too much. As I wait for my download to finish, I browse seoulbeats hoping that that person retracted his (I think its a guy) previous comment. I refused to comment to defend CN Blue as it might flood seoulbeats and I refrain from commenting when I feel anger because I cannot take back my words. Although I already made a rant here at my blog, well at least its my blog. But I was surprise that Boices posted comments defending CN Blue which I failed to do. Maybe I chickened out last night and posted my rant here at my blog. Thought that nobody else thinks that CN Blue is real band with pretty faces (all 4 of them) and talents. They may not really be Boice, the fan club of CN Blue but I rather call any CN Blue fan a Boice. Below are the comments:
Otreh_niwa_ribbon says " i agree with rxp_622628, cnblue is a "real band", Why? because they produce their own song and play live for their performancee...and for music is about "taste", you can't judge something bad for musician,and i think it's good right, handsome face and good talent :) if you want to know them just try to watch their concert "great", they perform just like the other bands, and they are better live!!!and yes i admit cnblue isn't pure rock band because they have various color in their musiclike for this single "where you are", feeling composed by Yonghwa isn't rock song butfresh song with good melody, but if you listen get away composed by Jonghyun is rocksong. i think band is a band ,, music is about your ear and your heart :), so it's not good to bashsomeone who working hard for their music."
rxp_622628 says "CNBLUE debuted in Japan 2009 as an indie band - they played in live houses & completed more than 100 lives before they even debuted in Korea. Now after their 2010 Korean debut & Japan major label debut this past fall 2011, they obviously are not an indie band but you should realize they WERE an indie band. Is it so bad that they are not an indie band anymore? No - I think it's impressive that in almost 3 years they have progressed & shared their music with so many fans. CNBLUE in all their albums released have had a hand in the production process of their songs. Just skim through their discography and see for yourself j*mp/AE8ZMY how many times Jung Yonghwa, Lee Jonghyun & even drummer Kang Min Hyuk have contributed to the lyrics & composition for CNBLUE songs. If you are judging CNBLUE based on just their lead tracks alone I think you are missing out on some beautiful songs such as "Lie", "Y, Why", "Just Please", "Love Light", "Don't Say Goodbye" - just to name a few (& yes you'll see the name of Jung Yonghwa or Lee Jonghyun listed in the credits for these songs)
"CNBLUE isn't even considered a 'real' band"
- how do you define what a 'real' band is? i believe a band is comprised of musicians who come together to create & perform music. it's a simple definition but i think it's fitting for something that can have so many variations. With this definition, CNBLUE is considered a 'real' band - they create their songs, they perform their songs live as often as they can. It still bugs me how Korean music shows only allow them to hand-sync their performances - but that is another barrier for them to overcome.
"they're pretty idol rockers that cater to a pop market"
- comments like this are why bands like CNBLUE work hard to showcase their music & try to break out from this stereotype. Yes, they're pretty to look at & often they are claimed as 'idols' by the media & public - however, I don't think it's something they should be chastised for because they are actively attempting to break that description with each live performance they do - at various rock festivals, live house tours, their BLUESTORM Asia Concert Tour, opening for famous rock bands like Linkin Park, etc.
tl;dr - CNBLUE is a band, so no offense, but I take them seriously."
Guest says "an indie band is something like a bunch of friends from high school who jam in their basements and play at 2am in a local club. they distribute their music through small labels and even if they sign with a major label, they retain a level of autonomy over their creative process and content. there's no corporation that puts them together for a music market. by it's defintition, indie music is counter-culture.
Checkinout says "I used to think the same way you do - you're not legit unless you were formed in a garage/basement, starved.... basically whatever you had in your first paragraph.
Perhaps I've gotten older and things are no longer as black and white as they used to be, but I've found myself rooting for CNBLUE because in a sense, one might say they are counter culture to the "manufactured idol" stereotype going by the definition that counter culture means going against mainstream or the norm. While they were formed by a music agency, they have had significant control on their music in Japan where they started off performing on streets and live clubs and were under an independent label.
This is a band that is very passionate about music. I did some math the other day and realized that since their Korean debut in 2010, CNBLUE has released 27 new songs out of which the members have been involved in writing lyrics/composing music or both for 23 songs. That is 85% of their songs, and I'm not even counting Yong Hwa's digital solo/Heartstrings OST or their pre-debut releases. And they did all this on top of all their other 'idol' activities like variety show appearances, MC stints, dramas etc.
Yong Hwa loves experimenting with different genres (and experiment away when you're young, I say) and Jong Hyun has developed a pretty distinct sound that is his own. And it was their self-compositions like Just Please, Y,Why and Tattoo that resonated with me in the first place (Clearly, I like their music, because let's face it, I wouldn't have dug deeper if I did not). Perhaps I'm even more appalled by the general lack of appreciation for musical creativity and originality these days, so seeing a band that could have easily coasted on their good looks and instrument playing skills be so serious about creating their own brand of music warms my heart. They might have had a 'manufactured' start, but everything else about their musical progression is all heart.
Sadly, they have a very different image in Korea as their Korean title tracks were not self-composed. Perhaps there is too much emphasis on following the "trend" in the Korean music scene, but many of CNBLUE's supporters have been concerned that the boys will continue to have their musical creativity curtailed in Korea in favor of the tried and tested hit-making composers. If we want to see a more vibrant music scene that celebrates originality and musical creativity, groups like CNBLUE need more support."
another Guest says "I like your comment, to be honest i don't really care if some people judge cnblue as musician wannabe ,indie band wannabe, pretty band or whatever. To me a band is a band,music is music and a song is a song, just listen to it, enjoy it and appreciate wasn't like math's or physics's formula which can makes me happy when i understand it but it will makes me dizzy when i couldn't solve it.
Living up my PG tag for Kang Min Hyuk!
Again, as I try to wrap up my day, its already 1:30 am (when will I stop, and actually wrap my day?) I opened twitter and of course I follow certified CN Blue fanatics. Its about Sensibility Dictionary? Why use the term "Sensibility"? Don't ask me. Anyway it got pics of the boys which basically been roaming around twitter, tumblr and facebook. I've seen it in fb but didn't bother to click it. It have some drawings of the boys, and Minhyuk really live up to my own nickname for him --PG (Patay Gutom). Its Filipino acronym for someone who have endless appetite (and can actually finish) for food. The role that he portrayed in Heartstring is PG and so in Bakery Attack. Hahaha! And to my delight (I even laughed loud and forgot to mind my flatmate), MinHyuk draw.. guess what? FOOOOOD! hahaha!!
On the other hand Yonghwa, draw about his concern with his throat.. :(
CN Blue at - Some praises and a hater!
As I wrap up my day, I opened seoulbeats. Recently I've been not so fond of them because they are not fond of CN Blue.. my bias (again the word). I read this article about "Breaking the Idol Stereotype". I was not really going to read it, I just would like to see if somebody replied to one to my comments. So I scroll it down and found CN Blue picture! Of course that will tell me that they (seoulbeats) mentioned CN Blue in the article. Although it was not a full article about the recent success of CN Blue, it was enough for me to love seoulbeats once again. I still believe that that accomplishment of CN Blue in Japan credits for a full article.
I screamed a bit, however as I scroll down to the comments, I found one hater!
I want to answer back and say, so whats the deal of an Indie band by the way? I don't think that CN Blue is claiming to be on the indie rock genre. Indie means that they have autonomy when it comes to the music they want to produce. Looking into CN Blue albums, half of it is done by CN Blue members, most of it by Yong Hwa. If that what that person means, then I must agree that CN Blue is not an indie band. Still whats the point of bringing it up? My heart was torn, remembering how Min Hyuk cried as he recalls, CN Blue being a "show band". As I've seen CN Blue perform live, I began to appreciated them more. Even for Min Hyuk that I don't see as a good drummer, I came to appreciate his talent with that concert. Its a band that can play instrument, it maybe a mediocre compared to other older bands, but it their performance was not at all a so so performance. I can say more about this but that person got to see CN Blue live! And whats with the 20 likes? asdfadf!@! to that!
I can point some bad things of CN Blue, like ditching the whole English songs, inserting English that they can pronounce well will be better and for not coming to Manila for a Bluestorm. But overall CN Blue is awesome AWESOME! Now I wish seoulbeats did not publish anything about CN Blue since most readers are for pop. And I just realized why its important for seoulbeats to recognize CN Blue for me? Not that being praised or being given a full article is enough benchmark for success of CN Blue.
Let the Oricon chart speak for CN Blue!
Sorting files in HDs
I have 3 External hard drives! I've got 2 250GB and 1 1 TB! I bought the 1 TB for my backup since last November I decided to restore to factory settings my laptop of 4 years. I am not an organized person or rather I am not that organizes my things well. Now I am categorizing. I still have to think where will I put all my Kpop, Kdramas or Asian dramas compilation since I have 3 HDs. Maybe in the next months I might be needing another 1 TB with the things I am downloading now.. Running man, The Moon that Embraces the Sun, and new dramas that I'll be watching.
Dramas to watch for 2012 (not yet airing):
- Love Rain (because of Jang Keun Suk)
- Fashion Star (Yoo Ah In, was surprised how quickly I learn his name)
- The King (Lee Seung Gi and The Hong Sisters).
Its Severely at M! Countdown
Dunno how the whole M! Countdown, Inkigayo (got it right this time, I would always write 'Inkiginayo'), Music Bank and the likes works in Korea. But I'm glad that FT Island won and I'm sure we will be seeing a lot of them in the future.
P.S. I SEVERELY wanted to listen to FT Island right now, but to no avail, headphones are not with me.
Made me Smile, A Boice within Seoulbeats
My liking of seoulbeats website, started about the adoption article that KPop artists promotes. I was surprised that a there is a website that has some level of intellect on its posts. However, I must admit that they(writers) are not fond of CN Blue, my bias (that term is so kpopish). As I read this article about a good fan being rational. I drafted a post about this and till now its not yet done. Aside from interesting view that the writer is pointing out, I love to read readers comments! And one that made me smile, is this:
I see a Boice (CN Blue fan) in seoulbeats! To say that CN Blue can sell their music to general public is brave! Maybe that reader just read about the record CN Blue set! I thought that only me and Shaui are the only one out there in seoulbeats.
Valentines with CN Blue - Wishful Thinking
After the release of the record breaking second major Japanese Single “Where you Are?” CN Blue's hands are full this February in Japan. That made me wonder what they will do this Valentines? I remember seeing their schedule in cnbluestorm, and sadly, they have a gig on that day. Its sad that I am not in Japan to come and see their gig and could say to this blog that I dated the 4 cute boys of CN Blue! <-- that is the wishful thinking! Below is CN Blue schedule this February and its full! Shall I also say "Take care of yourself"? like most fangirl would say? LOL!
Another thing that caught my attention is the presence of English tab on their their site and its about time!
2011 CN Blue Live Concert DVD - Blue Storm
Song Joong Ki Graduation Picture
My eyes would roll whenever I see a tweet from allkpop with a lot of senseless things on Kpop idols. Like 'X posted a selca of X and Y showing their deep friendship' sort of things or 'X without makeup showing superior genes'. I don't know who else (aside from me and my friend) laughs when 'superior genes' is used in an article (will make a separate article on this). However on this particular tweet, I clicked on it and loaded the graduation picture of one of my 'bias' -- Song Joong Ki! I thought it will be a high school graduation picture, but its his college graduation picture! So so cute! He is graduating from Sungkyunkwan University (sounds familiar?) I should have put the title, "Sungkyunkwan Scandal star, graduates from Sungkyunkwan University" or "Song Joong Ki graduates from Sungkyunkwan University Without any Scandals".
[News] 12000 People Attended CNBLUE 2nd Single "Where You Are" Release Event
FT Island's - Severely
Bluestorm Teaser, such a Tease
Teaser noun \ˈtē-zər\- an advertising or promotional device intended to arouse interest or curiosity especially in something to follow. As I am a follower of subscribe to Klaritia's blog, I get emails of her new posts. I received it early yesterday morning as I am ready to go to sleep. I managed to post a comment, saying that I cannot wait for our own DVD to arrive. We ordered it 2 weeks before its release date which up to the other day that waiting for it did not much matter, as I try also to lessen my CN Blue dosage as I don't want these things to go out of hand (spending money for those merchandise and it never will never run of the moment). With our new internet speed, now I can watch videos online and I clicked on the Bluestorm teaser video and much to my trying-not-to-be-addicted-to-CNBlue attempt, I totally forgot about it and wonder when we will receive ours and put a status on Facebook, tagging Sharon. Anyway, I enjoyed it more than their Listen to CN Blue concert which for some reason I cannot finish to watch (perhaps I'll write a different entry on this). See Feast on the video below, thanks Klaritia for the posting! Enjoy! CN Blue is awesome!
FT Island - Severely MV, Loved the Song, Loved the MV
Our internet provider just upgraded our internet speed to 1 Mbps! It may not be something to scream about (or even blog about) but we've been so patient in 512 kpbs speed but cannot afford or rather not reasonable to pay higher internet fee since we are not mostly at home. With that note, I tested the speed over at and of course the ultimate test if your speed is really good is if you can watch videos in youtube without buffering. Upon opening my youtube account, I saw FT Island's new music video (MV) -- Severely (as I am subscribed to their channel)! Love to see Lee Hong Ki again! My thoughts? Well its melodramatic (like most Korean MVs). I cannot erase Hong Ki's nail polish art! I like his hair but the bangs is too long and it covers his pretty face. Hong Ki looks like a kid whenever he begins to cry.. hehe.. with blood on his face, he still looks pretty (dunno why can't use handsome to Hong Ki).
I hope that one day, the Korean music industry will release music videos with English subs version. Well good thing that there are fans who do it for them. I still have to look for a version with English subs to know what does the news article says. Whatever it is, its still nice to see FT Island with a new album! And yes they've Grown-up! Hope the next MV will be track no. 2, 친구마저 잃었다 (Even Had A Lost Friend). Loved the song, loved the video!
FT Island - 4th Mini Album - Grown-Up
FT Island the other band that I like beside CN Blue. Loved their Color Sensibility 2.0 album. Now with their 4th mini album (still don't know what s with mini album and KPOP or the Korean music industry). I like all the song because there's a hint of ballad in it. Its Bon Jovi-like (I'm a fan of Bon Jovi). My favorite as of the moment is the second track, Even Had a Lost Friend. I still cannot find an English translation, but it sounds so good and rather sad. Its like listening to an OST. This album of FT Island is OST ready! I wont be surprise if we'll see one of their songs in upcoming dramas!
FT Island daebak!
Track List:
01. 지독하게 (Severely)
02. 친구마저 잃었다 (Even Had A Lost Friend)
03. 난 못난 사람입니다 (I'm A Foolish Person)
04. 다 큰 남자가… (Grown Up...)
05. 애인이 돼 주길 바래요 (We Hope To Become Lovers)
Found the album onthis site. or download from Mediafire here.
The Moon that Embraces the Sun Episode 9 is up!
Anyway I will watch it again after Sungkyunkwan Scandal. I don't want to anticipate every episode. I'll
Sungkyunkwan Scandal Eye Candies
This is the drama that I am currently watching every night. Last night I watched 2 episodes (6 & 7). It is not good as The Moon that Embraces the Sun. I want to stop myself from watching the addicting The Moon that Embraces the Sun and to fill my hype on period dramas which started with Hong Gil Dong by the way, I started to watch Sungkyunkwan Scandal. I’ve seen dozens of Korean dramas with the plot of pretending-to-be-a-guy-to-save-her-brother/family sort of thing and Sungkyunkwan scandal is one of those. For someone who is new to all these kdramas, of course it will be a fresh kind of thing, but for me its becoming stale and overused drama conflict. With that concern, I am asking myself why I am still watching it, because I can watch another drama (I’ve got tons on my 1TB HD) and I must admit it is because of the guys there! LOL! Sungkyunkwan Scandal main actors are super eye candies!
Micky Yoochun (Lee Sun Joon) - Who doesn’t know this guy, well at least to kpop fans and DBSK/TVXQ/Tohoshinki. It took me till episode 7 to like this guy. Dunno if his character was supposed to be stiff or he is really stiff. But when he smiles, I melt.. sigh.
[News|Photos] CNBLUE Recorded "MTV Unplugged" : First from a Korean Artist
CN Blue on MTV Unplugged!
I was really anticipating this event but I totally forgot. For me being featured on MTV Unplugged is such a big deal. I can still remember Nirvana's MTV unplugged so vividly. Now hearing (and now it actually happened) CN Blue doing the same thing is awesome! As a band I feel that its a must to be featured on MTV Unplugged. It defines how popular or how influential your band is. I just can't wait for the videos!
[caption id="attachment_393" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="got this from Klaritia! "]
[caption id="attachment_391" align="aligncenter" width="550" caption="got this from Klaritia too!"]
Its February Already!
Time flies. Sometimes I like fast forwarding the days to see the end. There are times that I think life as a drama, it have episodes, seasons and ending. Why would I want to see the ending? I ask myself sometime. Well maybe because I want to see a new drama, a better one with the one I am in – my life. Everyday as if I drag myself to work. Not that my work is a sucker, my work (and company) is way better than most OFWs here in UAE and that is one thing that I thank God everyday. I am guilty of feeling that I am somehow cruising into life without any direction of my destination. It’s a sad realization but what I am doing? Everyone have our own share of these life ‘issues’ what will make a difference is how are you going to respond.